Did you know that the original Scotch Gaelic word for whisky translates literally as ‘water of life’?
For generations, whisky distillers have held firm to the belief that the type and quality of water used in the distillation process can affect the final flavour of the whisky – hard, soft and spring water all have different effects on the preservation of the yeast during fermentation. That’s why many of the oldest whisky distilleries are located close to natural water sources such as lakes and springs.

May 15th is World Whisky Day – a global celebration of this most revered spirit. The theme of this year’s event is centred around the idea that water is a vital component of whisky – and specifically that the amount of rain we get in the British Isles is a large part of the reason Irish and Scotch whiskies are held in such high esteem around the world!
The message is “Today’s rain is tomorrow’s whisky”, and what thought could be more comforting on a wild and windswept day than a wee dram of the golden elixir to warm the cockles and remind ourselves why whisky is also known as the water of life?
Here at Clyde, we feel privileged to be a small part of such an old and highly esteemed industry, with a rich heritage that stretches back for generations while also keeping its eyes firmly fixed on the future of whisky distilling and consumption.
We’ll be raising a dram in celebration of World Whisky Day on the 15th – even if it’s raining!
For further information on World Whisky Day visit www.worldwhiskyday.com/