Unboxing can make a special occasion that little bit – or a lot – more memorable. Packaging has evolved and the unboxing experience has become integral to the gift-giving/receiving experience. Many YouTubers’ most successful videos are their documentations of unboxing luxury brand names – the unboxing experience is the cherry on top!
So, what makes a bad unboxing experience and what makes a great unboxing experience? Let’s break it down…
1. Remember That Your Product May End Up In An Unboxing Video
Unboxing videos are all the rage, with YouTubers documenting the opening of luxury items ranging from high-end perfumes to luxury spirits, and some videos rack up millions of views. If your product is likely to be featured in an unboxing video, you want your brand to make a sterling first impression.
2. The Little Details
Unboxing isn’t all about ribbons and confetti – it is far more memorable for your customer if the experience makes them feel recognised and valued. Small touches such as personalised notes inside the packaging or illustrative text on the inside of a box can make all the difference and ensure that the unboxing experience you have provided is one to be remembered.
3. Be Eco-Friendly
We are becoming more and more conscious of our carbon footprint by the day, and customers are not impressed by excess plastic and oversized packaging. Don’t feel the need to layer your packaging unnecessarily or include excessive tissue paper or bubble wrap, because this is a waste and your customer is sure to note it. Instead, opt for minimalistic packaging and sustainable boards that show great quality and luxury – and clearly communicate that you care about the planet, too.
4. A Satisfying Experience
Packaging that falls to pieces or box lids that must be dragged open are likely to frustrate your customer and put a dent in their unboxing experience. Conversely, a box that goes “pop” when opened conveys high quality. Use luxury materials for your product packaging to ensure that everything looks, feels and sounds as it should, such as a magnetic closure or ribbon pull.
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Unboxing is becoming more and more a part of gift-giving, and we want everyone who unwraps a luxury gift to enjoy every second of the unboxing. At Clyde, we are here to help you with all of your quality packaging needs to help make your customer’s unboxing experience unforgettable! Click here to make an enquiry.